Sports Center of Richmond (SCOR)

With objectives including improving cleanliness, increasing safety and ensuring sustainability, the Sports Center of Richmond (SCOR) in Richmond, Virgina has adopted Tersano Stabilized Aqueous Ozone (SAO™) for cleaning and deodorizing. SAO is a simple, safe, and sustainable way to clean sports facilities of all types including athletic centers, arenas and stadiums. Providing a cleaner, safer, healthier environment for athletes, families and spectators is paramount.

The SCOR conducted a three-month trial of SAO in specific areas of the facility. The goal of the trial was to demonstrate a level of cleaning on par with or better than the traditional chemical-based cleaning that was in-use — while also creating a consistent, repeatable process for keeping the sprawling facility free of contaminants, dirt, and odors.


When used as directed, the Tersano SAO system:

  • Uses on-site generation eliminating the need to purchase, transport, distribute, and manage multiple cleaning products across the sports facility.
  • Dramatically reduces traditional chemical usage by replacing cleaners as well as stainless steel, glass, general purpose, carpet and floor cleaners.
  • Increases productivity through an all-in-one solution resulting in lowering labor costs.
  • Is non-corrosive and safe for virtually any surface.
  • Offers facility maintenance a zero-risk alternative to toxic chemical cleaners.

Our response to COVID-19 is increasing our commitment to the wellness of our athletes, families and spectators.  Cleaning with SAO (Stabilized Aqueous Ozone) helps us meet that commitment.

Ray Pardue
Director of Facility Operations & Maintenance
The Sports Center of Richmond, Virginia



Over 700,000 athletes and community members visit the SCOR each year. The 80,000 square-foot indoor sporting facility employs a staff of cleaners every day to ensure the health and safety of the participants.

“We were using traditional, off-the-shelf products to clean the facility and one of our employees suggested we look into SAO,” explains Pardue. “We conducted a trial for a few months, loved it, and switched right away.”



The SCOR maintenance team is responsible for virtually every area of the sports complex including concessions, reception, eating areas, player and spectator benches, and bathrooms. Says Pardue, “SAO has replaced about 90% of our cleaning products.  We still need to use tough stain removers for some of the nasty restroom grime, but SAO is great for everything else.”

Maintenance staff resisted the switch from chemicals to SAO at the beginning because SAO is colorless and contains no scent. “I held regular meetings with the staff to address the resistance and through repetitive use they all love it now,” he says.

"Without a doubt, cleanliness is now our priority these days. Increasing our commitment to killing viruses onsite and ensuring the wellness of everyone who walks into the SCOR—that’s what we are focused on."

Ray Pardue


  • SAO reverts back to water and oxygen and can be disposed down the drain without negatively impacting waterways.
  • The SCOR has been able to reduce its chemical usage by over 90%.
  • Using SAO has given SCOR a consistent, repeatable process for virus control in its sporting complex.
  • The SCOR has not sacrificed any cleaning performance by switching from chemicals to SAO.