What is Stabilized Aqueous Ozone (SAO®)?

SAO® has no colour, toxins, additives, or artificial scents. It leaves no residue behind, is not harmful to your health, and does not negatively impact the environment. We understand what SAO is not, but what about what SAO is? Below are all the clean facts about the eco cleaning solution that’s changing the way the world cleans.

What is Stabilized Aqueous Ozone (SAO®)?

SAO, which stands for “Stabilized Aqueous Ozone”, is a highly effective natural cleaner containing only two ingredients: water and oxygen. Stabilized Aqueous Ozone (SAO) is made similarly to hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) in that both compounds require the introduction of one extra oxygen (O) atom. However, SAO differs from hydrogen peroxide in terms of toxicity, as it requires only water (H2O) and oxygen (O2) to produce. As a result, SAO is 100% free of toxins, VOCs and QACs. After SAO finishes interacting with contaminants, it reverts safely back into oxygen and water and does not negatively impact your health or the environment.

The Creation of Stabilized Aqueous Ozone (SAO)

tersano dispensers create SAO in different ways. The internal technology of our commercial dispensers converts oxygen (O2) to create ozone (O3). The ozone (O3) is then infused into ordinary cold tap water to form the SAO solution.

The iClean mini and the iClean PRO boast a sophisticated yet compact interior technology; thanks to an internal diamond electrode, the devices convert the oxygen (O2) already saturated in the water into ozone (O3).

All tersano dispensers have an additional stabilization process incorporated. Stabilized Aqueous Ozone (SAO) is a patent-protected innovation to regular aqueous ozone (AO) and removes select minerals from the water to extend the cleaning effect of the solution. Once stabilized, the cleaning performance of traditional aqueous ozone (AO) improves by 15%, according to standardized testing. The iClean mini and the iClean PRO also utilize a filtration cartridge to enhance the solution’s performance significantly.

Is Stabilized Aqueous Ozone (SAO) Safe?

tersano’s SAO is used to clean and deodorize homes and workplaces worldwide. Places where health matters most, like schoolspet kennels, and healthcare facilities, also trust and use SAO. Stabilized Aqueous Ozone (SAO) is a Green Seal approved alternative to traditional toxic chemical cleaners and is proven to be 100% safe for your health and the earth’s health.

Does Stabilized Aqueous Ozone (SAO) Work?

We have often heard the golden question: “does Stabilized Aqueous Ozone work?” We appreciate our ability to back up our claims with unshakable proof.

Over the past 20 years, we have been building a robust archive of test results, certifications, letters of no objection, demonstrated compliance, and research studies from globally-accepted academic and legislative bodies non-associated with tersano, including, but not limited to: the FDAUSDAEUO3TAHACCPNSF, and Green Seal.

In addition, some of the world’s leading universities and Fortune 500 companies have also adopted tersano’s Stabilized Aqueous Ozone (SAO), successfully advancing their sustainability initiatives and their cleaning effectiveness because of it.

We invite you to fact check us here.


Stabilized Aqueous Ozone (SAO) has proven to be an effective and sustainable cleaning and deodorizing solution on an evolutionary path for decades. Whether you want to advance your business’s sustainability initiatives or keep your family and loved ones safe from toxic chemical exposure, tersano’s  Stabilized Aqueous Ozone is up for the challenge.

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